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Program Overview
General Features
Time Billing
Disbursements Billing
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Payable
Trust Accounting
General Ledger
Cheque Processing
Management Reporting
Paperless Audit Trail

Trust Accounting

  • Concise and detailed reports which display all transactions posted between specified dates
  • Trust details by bank and by client reports
  • Posting of trust transactions to multiple open batches and to the following month prior to closing of the present month
  • Alert if a cheque previously deposited has not had sufficient time to clear
  • Provides your clients with monthly updates on their trust accounts including beginning balances, transactions and ending balances
  • Sophisticated system to track funds held in trust to accommodate today's tighter audit requirements
  • Expansion of account options
ICGP/idealgroup.com/idealaw 2010.10.09. Copyright © 2024 the Ideal Computer Group Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of the Ideal Computer Group Inc. is prohibited.
IdeaLaw enables you to run any number of practices or management companies on a single software licence.